Developing Pupils’ Journaling during lessons
with Laurie Jacques, SMaR+ PD
Learning Journals are a feature of Japanese and Singapore mathematics classroom practices. They enable pupils to capture the whole journey of a lesson rather than simply the individual practice regularly only kept for pupils’ recorded work. The benefits of mathematical learning journals provide them with an aide memoire to prior learning and metacognition skills such as reflective learning, making connections and self-assessment. Using learning journals shifts the attention from the actions of teachers to a shared perspective of learning with the pupils.
The project aims to help enable KS1 & KS2 teachers’ to use learning journals in their own teaching. Teachers will work collaboratively using lesson study cycles to design and redesign mini lessons with the goal of considering what the pupils might record so that learning process is captured and not just learning product.
What does the project involve?
The project will involve one half-day day of training, followed by six half-day lesson studies across the Autumn 2019, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020, presentation day. Between sessions there will be gap tasks involving trialling the use of the approaches explored in the lesson studies. The workgroup lead will offer support in designing the sequences, demonstrating teaching and orchestrating the lesson study discussions. Participating teachers are expected to work collaboratively, teach a small group in their own and other schools, reflect critically on pupils’ learning and their own professional learning. Participants are also expected to host a learning study in their school for the workgroup. This requires allocating a space for the workgroup to gather and for the group teaching sessions to take place. A small subsidy of £100 is offered to schools who are chosen to host to cover any costs incurred.
The project’s aims involve supporting teachers to:
- Build on existing teaching for mastery practices to shape lesson episodes that support children to make connections between different stages of a learning journey.
- Learn to consider what is important for the pupils to permanently record as a lesson unfolds.
- Recognise the importance of valuing pupils’ own recording and journaling.
- Develop their teaching skills within a collaborative community of practice.
Schools can choose to send up two members of staff (KS1 and/ or KS2) but all teachers are expected to attend all days
Monday 30th September Project Preparation Day 9:45am – 12:00pm
Venue: Fox Primary School, Kensington Place, W8 7PP
Monday 11th November Lesson Study* 1 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 13th January Lesson Study* 2 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 10th February Lesson Study* 3 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 16th March Lesson Study* 4 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 18th May Lesson Study* 5 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 29th June Lesson Study* 6 09:30 – 11:45
Gap Task
Monday 6th July Presentation Day
Fox Primary School
* Lesson Studies to be hosted by participating schools: Venues confirmed on the Preparation Day
In order to apply to be a part of this project, you will need to fill out an Expression of Interest Form. The deadline to fill this out is Friday 19th July 2019
*The London Central and West Maths Hub reserves the right to charge a £75 fee for non-attendance to the sessions or for cancellations to any of the sessions with less than 14 days’ notice.