This work group will provide Year 4 teachers with an exciting opportunity to
- explore mastery approaches to teaching multiplication, division and times tables
- develop efficient strategies for teaching rapid recall of multiplication and division facts
- learn how to run a cross-age peer mentoring intervention to support the teaching of times tables in Year 4 and Year 2.
Participants will explore a mastery approach to times tables using a range of innovative new resources. They will also gain an insight into the benefits of maths peer mentoring for both mentor and mentee and will learn how to train their Year 4 students to work effectively as mentors.
This Work Group is for Year 4 teachers but participants will be required to work closely with Year 2 colleagues in school to set up and deliver the whole class peer mentoring intervention. The mentoring will be of benefit to both year groups: the Year 4s will revisit and secure the underlying concepts behind multiplication and division and develop their fluency in times tables recall and the Year 2s will benefit from close supervision and instant feedback during the “concrete” phase of learning about multiplication and division, and will have 1:1 attention and encouragement as they develop fluency of recall of times table facts.
Please do not sign up to the Work Group without first ensuring that you and your Year 2 colleague can commit to running at least 10 mentoring sessions of 15 mins each between session 2 (early March) and session 3 (mid-June).
How will it work?
The work group involves three workshops with Maggie Steel, who is experienced in running maths peer mentoring projects and has a particular interest in the teaching of multiplication, division and times tables. She is experienced at leading professional development, including Work Groups for other Maths Hubs.
Participants will be given free FunKey Maths times tables cards and associated teaching resources to use in school.
Who is it aimed at?
The course is aimed at Year 4 teachers who want to develop their mastery approach to the teaching of multiplication, division and times tables, and who have the interest and capacity to trial an innovative maths peer mentoring intervention.
What is the time commitment?
- Three face to face workshops (9.30 – 14.30)
- Time in school for liaison with Year 2 colleagues
- Delivery of “generic” mentor training (approx. 3 hours outside maths curriculum time)
- Delivery of “activity” training to mentors (within maths lessons)
- Delivery of at least 10 x 15 min mentoring session (within maths lessons)
Schools will be expected to release participants for the days required and to support them in providing time for collaborative work and the delivery of project gap tasks in school.
Intended Outcomes
Teachers are expected to share their learning with others teaching maths in their school and help their schools review and develop their policy on the teaching of multiplication, division and times tables.
Day 1: Tuesday 28th January 2020 (9.30am – 14.30pm)
(Mastery approaches to x and ÷ and times tables; how to prepare Year 4s to be great mentors)
Gap Task: trialling new activities and training of Year 4 mentors
Day 2: Tuesday 3rd March 2020 (9.30 – 14.30pm)
(Mastery approaches to x and ÷ and times tables; the activity training for the mentors)
Gap Task: running at least 10 x 15 min peer mentoring sessions in Year 2
Day 3: Tuesday 16th June (9.30 – 14.30pm)
(Review of peer mentoring experiences; looking at other applications of peer mentoring across the school; review of whole school policy on times table teaching and learning)
Fox Primary School
Kensington Place , Kensington, London W8 7PP
Contact: michelle.foster@lcwmathshub.co.uk
In order to apply to be a part of this project, you will need to fill out an Expression of Interest Form. The deadline to fill this out is Friday 17th January 2020.
*The London Central and West Maths Hub reserves the right to charge a £75 fee for non-attendance to the sessions or for cancellations to any of the sessions with less than 14 days’ notice