2023/24 LO3MathsHub_ProjectOverview DOWNLOAD PDF
(All Work Groups and Engagement Events are free, with some giving your school some money to contribute to release time)
Early Years and Primary
Mastering Number Programme – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Teaching for Mastery Programme
Development Mastery – First year of Teaching for Mastery Programme
Embedding Mastery – Second year of the Teaching for Mastery Programme (for schools who took part in the programme in 2021-22)
Sustaining Mastery – Third year of the Teaching for Mastery Programme (for schools who have taken part in the programme before and who are not doing Embedding)
PD Lead Training – EYFS and Primary
Teaching for Mastery Secondary
Embedding Mastery at Secondary – Second year of the Teaching for Mastery programme (for schools who have taken part in the programme in 2021-22)
Embedding and Sustaining at Secondary – third year – only for those departments who are participating or have participated in the Secondary TfM Development Work Groups and are working to develop principles and practices which enable them to sustain their developments over the long-term.
Y5-Y8 Continuity (same as the primary one above)
Specialist Knowledge for the Teaching of Mathematics (SKTM):
Secondary Early Career Teachers
Secondary Non-Specialist Teachers
Developing Pedagogy in A Level Maths
Developing Core Maths Pedagogy
Good Practice Networks – Ealing, Brent/Harrow, RBKC/LBHF, Hillingdon and Hounslow. One in Harrow will be coming soon
We will be organising some online webinars and events soon – admin@lcwmathshub.co.uk if interested.